This is Capital Call, a weekly newsletter highlighting what investors in European startups are thinking—in their own words. We are Willy Braun, Nicolas Colin, and Vincent Touati-Tomas, and you can find out more about the newsletter and who’s featured in it here: About Capital Call.
First of all, follow our Twitter account (and the related lists): @CapitalCall_
Kevin Baxpehler 🇩🇪🇮🇱 wrote about the rise of “virtual worlds”—in sports, gaming, and work—and what the future holds in a post-COVID-19 world: Virtual worlds – then, now and next.
Willy Braun 🇫🇷 (co-host of Capital Call) looks at the blend of analytical and intuitive decision-making required at various stages of investing: Early Stage vs Late Stage: Assessment, Prediction & Fluidity In The Equity Chain
TL;DR: you can also check out Willy’s Twitter thread on the topic.
Nicolas Colin 🇫🇷 (also co-host of Capital Call) shares an insider’s look at how France trains its elite, and how that can explain why it lags behind in building tech companies: France, As Revealed by its Elite.
Ha Duong 🇩🇪🇻🇳 of Cambrial Capital reflects on competitive advantages when it comes to the venture capital market: Know Your Edge As A VC, Part One: Informational Edge.
Robert Gaal 🇳🇱, an angel investor with Atomico, has a newsletter, with its latest issue dedicated to mentorship. Read it here: Picking mentors.
Robert Gallenberger 🇩🇪 highlights many companies and products launched back in the year 2000 and offers us 20 years btov Partners — a few perspectives on time.
Vedika Jain 🇬🇧 writes about a trend that goes well beyond no-code: tools that give knowledge workers superpowers. Read it here: The rise of superpower tech
Christoph Janz 🇩🇪 develops the idea of bringing the cocktail effect to video meetings, leaving open the possibility of interacting with others while the main conversation runs in parallel.
Gregoire Leleu 🇫🇷 explains how to use public data to improve the standard spreadsheet approach in his article Using Modern Data Science as Growth Investors.
Karen McCormick 🇺🇸 reflects on convertible notes, a common market practice these days, but one which still comes with pitfalls: Convertible loan notes can be great for founders — and terrible.
Michael Rabinowicz 🇱🇺 contributes to a discussion on a key missing part when it comes to building a pan-European entrepreneurial ecosystem: Making Employee Share Options Work.
Leo Ringer 🇬🇧 is the co-founder of a VC firm working with startups to help them shape winning regulatory strategies. He wrote about Startups and public policymaking: a guide for early stage founders.
Check Warner 🇬🇧 of Ada Ventures shares her insights about one of her recent investments in a platform that helps workers defend their interests in the workplace: Ada Ventures' investment in Organise.
Jos White 🇬🇧 builds a case for putting more emphasis on efficiency and making a more scientific connection between inputs and outputs in his article SaaS enters the age of efficiency.
Alice Zagury 🇫🇷 writes about what it means to go from hosting events in real life to hosting everything 100% online: The Family, Moving On…line!
In a podcast discussion with Gonz Sanchez, Matt Clifford 🇬🇧 discusses selecting the right location(s) for a business, investing in talent, the value of networks, and incentivizing “scenius”: Matt Clifford from Entrepreneur First – Fostering Communal Genius.
In a recent webinar, Pär-Jörgen Pärson 🇸🇪 shares some insights on how to navigate crises and cycles in venture capital: VC Strategies For Building a Venture Firm, Raising a New Fund, & Investing During Crisis.
Kevin Baxpehler 🇩🇪🇮🇱 Managing Partner, Remagine Ventures, London 🇬🇧 & Tel Aviv 🇮🇱 LinkedIn | Twitter | Blog
Brett Bivens 🇺🇸🇫🇷 Venture Investor, TechNexus, Paris 🇫🇷 LinkedIn | Twitter | Blog
Willy Braun 🇫🇷 Operating Partner, Gaia Capital Partners & founder .exe, Paris 🇫🇷 LinkedIn | Twitter | Blog
Matt Clifford 🇬🇧Co-Founder & CEO, Entrepreneur First, London 🇬🇧 LinkedIn | Twitter | Blog
Nicolas Colin 🇫🇷 Co-Founder & Director, The Family, London 🇬🇧 LinkedIn | Twitter | Blog
Ha Duong 🇩🇪🇻🇳 Principal, Cambrial Capital, Berlin 🇩🇪 LinkedIn | Twitter | Blog
Robert Gall 🇳🇱 Member of the Angel Program, Atomico, London 🇬🇧 Linkedin | Twitter | Blog
Robert Gallenberger 🇩🇪Partner, btov Partners, Munich 🇩🇪 LinkedIn | Twitter | Blog
Vedika Jain 🇬🇧 Chief of staff, Weekend Fund, London 🇬🇧 LinkedIn | Twitter | Blog
Christoph Janz 🇩🇪 Partner, Point Nine Capital, Berlin 🇩🇪 LinkedIn | Twitter | Blog
Grégoire Leleu 🇫🇷 Founder, GL Analytics, Paris 🇫🇷 LinkedIn | Twitter | Blog
Karen McCormick 🇺🇸 Chief Investment Officer, Beringea LLP, London 🇬🇧 LinkedIn
Pär-Jörgen Pärson 🇸🇪 General Partner, Northzone, London 🇬🇧 LinkedIn | Twitter
Michael Rabinowicz 🇸🇪🇬🇧 General Counsel, Mangrove Capital Partners, Luxembourg 🇱🇺 LinkedIn
Leo Ringer 🇬🇧 Founding Partner, Form Ventures, London 🇬🇧 LinkedIn | Twitter | Blog
Check Warner 🇬🇧 Partner, Ada Ventures 🇬🇧 LinkedIn | Twitter | Blog
Jos White 🇬🇧 General Partner, Notion Capital, London 🇬🇧 Linkedin | Twitter | Blog
Alice Zagury 🇫🇷 Co-Founder & CEO, The Family, London 🇬🇧 LinkedIn | Twitter | Blog
We are Willy Braun 🇫🇷 Nicolas Colin 🇫🇷 & Vincent Touati-Tomas 🇫🇷 We work as investors and operators in the European VC industry. Hit reply if you want to send us feedback!